Endodontics is one of the most demanding specialties of dentistry. It deals with the treatment of complicated caries that have resulted in root canal infections. That is why the treatment of root canals requires a really experienced dentist. The main goal of endodontic treatment is to remove the infection from the root canal and restore normal tooth function.
A specialist in endodontic treatment is needed when it is necessary to prepare teeth for crowns, restore them with the use of indirect fillings, in case of periodontitis, pulpitis, or in case of complications after previous treatment.
Stages of root canal treatment:
- Careful diagnostics performed with computed tomography in order to assess the degree of tissue damage, the size and specifics of the tooth root and the overall extent of the damage.
- Extirpation of the dental pulp is a painful procedure, so it is necessary to use a suitable anaesthetic.
- A rubber dam is used in this treatment to protect the mucosa from antiseptics as well as to prevent gum damage by dental instruments.
- Tooth preparation and creation of access to the root canal.
- Removal of inflamed dental pulp, ridding the adjacent tissues of infection.
- Root canal irrigation with special solutions that ensure maximum tooth sterility before the actual filling.
- Canal filling and insertion of the appropriate filling.
- Restoration of the crown part of the tooth.
Toothache after root canal cleaning.
Toothache is a common consequence of endodontic treatment. The discomfort should subside within two to three days.
If, on the other hand, the pain escalates or does not subside after three days, it is necessary to visit the dental clinic again.
Nejlepší zubní ordinace ve městě! Děkuji mnohokrát!
Doktorka je velmi příjemná a profesionální. Skvělá spolupráce!
Today I was on consultation in this clinic and was very impressed by their professionalism, inside atmosphere and the competence level of the staff. Very much recommended! I will return back to them very soon 🙂
Great clinic with well experienced and professional doctors. I'm visiting them for more than 4 years and was always happy with service and advise. Very recommended.
Pokud právě hledáte vhodného zubaře (stejně jako já před dvěma měsíci), neváhejte! :-) Paní doktorka Olga je naprostý profesionál - bezbolestné ošetření, estetika, přátelská atmosféra a v neposlední řadě krásná ordinace. Po svých předchozích zkušenostech a všech zanedbaných úkonech od jiných zubařů, mě nikdo nikdy k jinému zubaři už nedostane! Mockrát děkuji a 100% doporučuji!
Návštěva v Ordinaci IdealSmile u Paní Olgy byla po dlouhé době neúspěšných pokusů, to pravé ,co jsem hledal. Profesionální přístup, čisté prostředí mě přesvědčilo ,jiného zubaře už nehledat. Její práce se s předchozími zubaři nedá srovnat . Vlastně není nic co bych paní zubařce vytknul . Proto dávám 5* . A těším se na další návštěvu , protože vím , že o moje zuby je postaráno.
I got my first appointment with Olga 6 years ago and keep going visiting. I liked her attention during treatment, Olga shows what she is doing and explains why. I have stopped having fears of dantists and enjoy friendly atmosphere and careness created by Olga and Aida.
I am very happy for finding such a professional Dr. in Prague! Both Dr. are very kind and doing a great job. Always nice atmosphere, detailed consulting and very professional treatment, powered with kind attitude. Many thanks!
Nach all der Arbeit an meinen Zähnen, der Aufhellung, fühle ich mich, als ob ich Juwelen im Mund trage! Es ist einfach ein tolles Gefühl 😍 Danke, professionelles und gleichzeitig lustiges IdealSmile-Team 🌹
I came for the first time a year ago to visit Dr Aida and Dr Olga and the team. My teeth were in such a state other dentists didn't have the patience or confidence to start working on them. That wasn't the case here It took some visits in the nice environment and professional care and super gentle hands on all occasions, but now I am confident to smile again. Wild like to say THANK YOU and I do recommend this clinic million times.
Отличные профессионалы! Делала коронки, чистку, пломбы - все на высшем уровне
Отличная клиника, очень приятный персонал, все на высшем уровне!
Лучшая стоматология в Чехия! Комфорт с позитивной обстановкой, замечательный персонал, быстрая запись, врач с душой устранил проблему!!!)Всем рекомендую!
Лучший стоматологическая клиника в Праге! Всю жизнь самый большой страх был это стоматологи! Оказалось зря) Здесь работают большие профессионалы и просто хорошие люди! Спасибо огромное))
Если вы думаете, что в стоматологию нельзя приходить как на праздник, то могу вас заверить, что в Ideal Smile можно! Позитивные и профессиональные врачи, приятная атмосфера, качество работы на высшем уровне. 6/5 :)