Caries treatment

Caries treatment at the Ideal Smile Clinic is performed according to world standards. We offer comfortable treatment using the latest technology and materials.

Stages of caries development:

The “spot” stage is a minor one. Tooth decay does not cause discomfort and is usually found during a regular dental check-up. In the next stage, the decay penetrates deeper and forms a cavity. As a result of not providing timely treatment, inflammation of the dental pulp (pulpitis) can develop, which is most often accompanied by acute pain. If the need for treatment is ignored even at this stage, the inflammatory process will continue to develop and lead to the necrosis of the dental nerve, which can result in tooth loss.

Causes of caries development:

  • Disruption of enamel formation during the period of tooth formation or eruption.
  • Dentures or braces that damage tooth enamel and make hygiene difficult.
  • Increased saliva viscosity or insufficient saliva secretion.
  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Improper diet with a lot of carbohydrates.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders.
  • Large numbers of (acid-excreting) streptococci in the microflora of the oral cavity.

Main symptoms of caries development:

  • Pain when teeth come into contact with hot, cold, sweet, sour or salty foods.
  • Halitosis.
  • Light or dark spots on the teeth.
  • Darkening of the tooth edge at the gum or between the filling and the tooth.
  • Visible enamel chips.

We treat both our young and adult patients with care and offer anti-stress caries treatment, using only adequate pain relievers – modern anaesthesia. We also offer treatment using nitrous oxide.

After treatment, we will prepare a schedule of appointments including a visit to the dentist and professional hygiene. It will be a great tooth decay prevention!

Approximate prices
Check-up From 500 CZK
OPG X-ray From 500 CZK
Inraoral X-ray/bitewing From 500 CZK
3D X-ray (CBCT) From 2000 CZK
Local anesthetics From 200 CZK
Composite filling From 2000 CZK
Build up + fiber post From 3500 CZK
Léčba kazu
Insurance Companies
VoZP - Vojenská Zdravotní Pojišťovna
OZP - Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna
Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra ČR
Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna Škoda
Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna: ČPZP
RBP, zdravotní pojišťovna
Slavia zdravotní pojišťovna
Cigna zdravotní pojišťovna
Maxima zdravotní pojišťovna
Ergo zdravotní pojišťovna
Uniqa zdravotní pojišťovna
AXA zdravotní pojišťovna
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